Book a Little Red Schoolhouse Program Tour
Little Red Schoolhouse Program Tour Schedule
Monday-Friday: $65 per class* (up to 25 students) Ages: Elementary & Middle School
*Schools and organizations outside Norwalk Public Schools – $85 per class
Virtual Tour option available – contact Program Coordinator
Little Red Schoolhouse Program classes visit the 1826 Downtown District one-room school,
the c. 1740 Governor Fitch Law Office, and the 1835 Town House, including the exhibit
“Norwalk’s Changing Communities: 13,000 BC–1835.”
Note: one adult per 10 children is required. Chaperones must remain with children at all times and actively supervise the visit.
Chaperones and teachers are admitted free, up to one adult per 5 children. Additional adults will be required to pay the regular adult admission ($5.00).
What do students experience on the Tour?
Step into the mid 1700s in the Law Office of Governor Thomas Fitch. Explore everyday life in the colonial era with a visit to the home’s kitchen, cellar, and attic bedroom. What did people eat? How did they make sure their food did not spoil? What did a bedroom look like?
Register soon! Dates fill up quickly!
Email the Program Coordinator at the link below, or call 203-846-0525.
The second half of the tour will take place in the 1826 one-room schoolhouse. Learn about a typical school day in the mid 1800s. What subjects did the children learn? What did their school supplies look like? How did they have fun during recess?
Classes will also explore the exhibit, “Norwalk’s Changing Communities: 13,000 BC–1835.” Select which section of the exhibit you would like the tour guide to focus on:
• The End of the Ice Age
• The First People After the Ice Age
• European Exploration and Contact with Indigenous People
• English Settlement to Seaside Village
• The Battle of Norwalk and its Aftermath
During a Little Red Schoolhouse tour, students experience a school day in the 1820s and explore mid-1700s life in the Governor Fitch Law Office.
Norwalk History Resources for the Classroom
The guidebook contains lessons and activities to assist with teaching about:
- Native Americans in Norwalk
- European Contact & Early Norwalk Settlers
- Revolutionary War
- Burning and Battle of Norwalk
The guidebook also includes pre- and post-visit activities for the Governor Fitch Law Office & the Downtown District one-room School House.
Are you enthusiastic about local history and education? Contact us about becoming a docent for our popular Little Red Schoolhouse Program. Learn about this exciting program and the important role a docent plays in making history come alive for students. We provide docent training and a stipend.
Please call 203-846-0525 or email us to find out how to get involved.
We welcome sponsors to support the Little Red School House program. Please call 203-846-0525 or email us to discuss opportunities.